Cat's Cradle Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nestor Aamons was captured by the Russians, then liberated by the Germans during the Second World War. He was not returned home by his liberators, […]. (54.5)

Aamons' story is very similar to Johnson's, with the key difference that Aamons never feels that "something was trying to get him somewhere for some reason."

Quote #8

"Bokonon suggested the hook, too, as the proper punishment for Bokononists," he said. "It was something he'd seen in the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussaud's" (78.8)

Fate and Free Will links up with our "Art and Culture" theme. Here, the idea of "life imitating art" seems to almost have a fate-like quality to it. Is life fated to imitate art or is it our free will that chooses art as the source of imitation? Jeez, these questions spin our heads right round, like a record, baby, right round.

Quote #9

"Why should she say yes?"

"It's predicted in The Book of Bokonon that she'll marry the next President of San Lorenzo," said Frank. (90.23-24)

Of course, as a devout Bokononist, Mona would do what The Book of Bokonon tells her to. This means her own freewill is ultimately what fates her to marry John. Yeah, sure ... that works.