Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Grandpa Joe Quotes

"That child," said Grandpa Joe, poking his head up from under the blanket one icy morning, "that child has got to have more food. It doesn't matter about us. We're too old to bother with. But a growing boy! He can't go on like this!" (10.10)

Grandpa Joe seems to think that taking care of the young is more important than taking care of the old. What do you think: is it too late for them?

Grandpa Joe

Quote 5

"I certainly can't go myself and leave the other three old people all alone in bed for a whole day." (12.31)

These grandparents sure do seem pretty helpless. After all, they can't go a day without being taken care of by Mrs. Bucket. How come the other three grandparents can't be as peppy as Grandpa Joe?

"And I want lots of Oompa-Loompas to row me about, and I want a chocolate river and I want… I want..."
"She wants a good kick in the pants," whispered Grandpa Joe to Charlie.

One of our favorite parts of the book is the close friendship between Grandpa Joe, who's ninety-six, and Charlie, who's quite young. They're not your typical duo.