Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Willy Wonka Quotes

"I would rather you didn't take it," Mr. Wonka told her gently. "You see, I haven't got it quite right yet. There are still one or two things..." (21.10)

We think Mr. Wonka is being very polite here. Which makes the fact that Violet takes the gum all the ruder. Why can't these kids just listen?

Willy Wonka

Quote 20

"But don't go in! Whatever you do, don't go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you'll disturb the squirrels!" (24.2)

In this case, Mr. Wonka is more urgent than polite, so we know that whatever happens when one disturbs the squirrels can't be good.

Willy Wonka

Quote 21

"Just a minute now! Listen to me! I want everybody to be very careful in this room. There is dangerous stuff around in here and you must not tamper with it." (25.59)

We've noticed – and maybe you have, too – that Mr. Wonka seems to be growing more impatient and frustrated each time he has to tell the tour not to touch things in his factory. After everything that's happened so far, we can understand why.