Charlotte's Web Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Wilbur blushed. "But I'm not terrific, Charlotte. I'm just about average for a pig."

"You're terrific as far as I'm concerned," replied Charlotte, sweetly, "and that's what counts. You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational. Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!" (12.46)

Charlotte sure is bossy and loyal, all at once. She has no problem giving Wilbur a compliment and an order back-to-back. (Come to think of it, she's starting to sound a lot more like his mom than his friend.)

Quote #5

"Alone?" said Fern. "Alone? My best friends are in the barn cellar. It is a very sociable place. Not at all lonely." (14.16).

In Charlotte's Web, friendships aren't limited to the pigpen. In fact, Wilbur's first friend is Fern. And Fern sure likes being friends with all the barn animals. But keep an eye out for how this human-animal friendship changes over time.

Quote #6

"Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, my success." (21.5)

Charlotte didn't receive a lick of recognition for her work in earning Wilbur the county fair prize. But to her, their success is still something they share together. It's like she's living vicariously through Wilbur because he's her best bud.