Charlotte's Web Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Charlotte got so interested in her work, she began to talk to herself, as though to cheer herself on. If you had been sitting quietly in the barn cellar that evening, you would have heard something like this:

"Now for the R! Up we go! Attach! Descend! Pay out line! Whoa! Attach! Good! Up you go! Repeat! Attach! Descend! Pay out line. Whoa, girl! Steady now!" (13.8-9)

Need someone to keep you motivated? Charlotte is your girl. She likes to act as her own cheerleader. Sure, it's great to have friends to cheer you on, but Charlotte is a one-woman show: she can cheer and work at the same time.

Quote #8

It is not easy to look radiant, but Wilbur threw himself into it with a will. He would turn his head slightly and blink his long eyelashes. Then he would breathe deeply. And when the audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back flip with a half twist. (15.7)

Wilbur has two challenges: (1) Try hard to live up to the web's slogan. (2) Keep the audience entertained. So he works to get both jobs done at once. We have to admit that an eye-lash-batting, back-flipping pig sounds pretty "radiant" to us.

Quote #9

Suddenly a voice was heard on the loud speaker.

"Attention, please!" it said. "Will Mr. Homer Zuckerman bring his famous pig to the judges' booth in front of the grandstand. A special award will be made there in twenty minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Crate your pig, please, Mr. Zuckerman, and report to the judges' booth promptly!" (19.54-55)

The Arables and Zuckermans had worried that Wilbur didn't win any prize at the fair. But turns out their hard work paid off, because he's about to get a special award. Or do you think its Charlotte's hard work that paid off? Does Mr. Zuckerman deserve the credit? What about Mrs. Zuckerman and the buttermilk baths?