The Count of Monte Cristo Hatred Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But, with such an outlook," Franz told the count, "which makes you judge and executioner in your own case, it would be hard for you to confine yourself to actions that would leave you forever immune to the power of the law. Hatred is blind and anger deaf: the one who pours himself a cup of vengeance is likely to drink a bitter draught."

"Yes, if he is clumsy and poor; no, if he is a millionaire and adroit." (35.44)

Hatred is blind, but then again, so is justice.

Quote #5

"But man, man whom God made in His image, man to whom God gave this first, this sole, this supreme law, that he should love his neighbour, man to whom God gave a voice to express his thoughts—what is man's first cry when he learns his neighbor is saved? A curse." (35.131)

"In any case, even the most corrupt of us finds it hard to believe in evil unless it is based on some interest. We reject the idea of harm done for no cause and without gain as anomalous." (76.6)

Some people like to say that everything happens for a reason. This applies not simply to twists of fate and shocking revelations, but to every kind of human action, including the worst and pettiest.

Quote #6

"I could not understand. Why was my father fleeing—my father, the all-powerful, before whom others normally would flee, my father whose motto was: "They hate me, and that is why they fear me"? (77.176)

In her recounting, Haydée evokes the power hate can have – and the resistance which it can provoke.