The Count of Monte Cristo Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Poor young man!" Monte Cristo muttered, so low that even he could not hear these words of compassion as he spoke them. "It is written that the sins of the father shall be visited on the sons, even to the third and forth generation." (85.135)

Monte Cristo, on the other hand, clearly doesn't believe that there are any extenuating circumstances. Revenge is revenge, and nothing should interfere with it, even across generations.

Quote #8

"This was directed to me by my respect and my sorrow, Monsieur," Haydée replied. "God forgive me: though I am a Christian, I have always thought to avenge my illustrious father." (86.120)

Although it's hard to grasp, Christianity and revenge are able to exist side by side, at least as far as Monte Cristo and Haydée are concerned.

Quote #9

"You know, mother, Monsieur de Monte Cristo is almost a man of the East and an Oriental; in order not to interfere with his freedom to take revenge, he never eats or drinks in his enemy's house." (88.39)

Monte Cristo is constantly focused on revenge; his daily life revolves around it.