Daniel Deronda Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The desire to know his own mother, or to know about her, was constantly haunted with dread; and in imagining what might befall Mirah it quickly occurred to him that finding the mother and brother from whom she had been parted when she was a little one might turn out to be a calamity. When she was in the boat she said that her mother and brother were good; but the goodness might have been chiefly in her own ignorant innocence and yearning memory, and the ten or twelve years since the parting had been time enough for much worsening. (19.3)

It's interesting to compare and contrast Daniel and Mirah's experiences with their mothers and the attitudes that they have towards them. Daniel never met his mother, while Mirah was separated from hers at a young age. Daniel doesn't have any memory of his mother on which to base his opinions. His dread over what kind of woman his mother is makes him worry furthermore that Mirah's mom might actually not be all that great. Does this seem unfounded to you, or do you think he might have a point?

Quote #5

"I was forced to fly from my father; but if he came back in age and weakness and want, and needed me, should I say, 'This is not my father'? If he had shame, I must share it. It was he who was to me for my father, and not another." (32.90)

Mirah's feelings towards her father are complex. On one hand, she's terrified by him and ran away from him. Still, she insists, he's her dad. She seems to suggest that the fact that they are family is more important than the fact that her dad tried to exploit her for his own gains.

Quote #6

"I have never known my mother. I have no knowledge about her. I have never called any man father. But I am convinced that my father is an Englishman." (40.47)

So, here we see Daniel admitting that he hasn't really known either of his parents for sure, but he's sure that Sir Hugo is his father. In a way, though, can't we argue that Sir Hugo has acted as a father figure to him regardless of whether or not Sir Hugo is his real dad?