Daniel Deronda Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In the ladies' dining-room it was evident that Gwendolen was not a general favourite with her own sex; there were no beginnings of intimacy between her and other girls, and in conversation they rather noticed what she said than spoke to her in free exchange. Perhaps it was that she was not much interested in them, and when left alone in their company had a sense of empty benches. Mrs. Vulcany once remarked that Miss Harleth was too fond of the gentlemen; but we know that she was not in the least fond of them—she was only fond of their homage. (11.49)

There's one of those girls in every group – the one who has a hard time getting along with other girls. It happened then, and it happens today (just think Mean Girls).

Quote #5

There was every reason to believe that a woman of well-regulated mind would be happy with Grandcourt. (13.80)

So, basically, if a woman doesn't think for herself and knows her place, she'll be cool with marrying Grandcourt. That bodes well.

Quote #6

"You are very attractive, Miss Harleth. But when he first knew me, I too was young. Since then my life has been broken up and embittered. It is not fair that he should be happy and I miserable, and my boy thrust out of sight for another."

These words were uttered with a biting accent, but with a determined abstinence from anything violent in tone or manner. Gwendolen, watching Mrs. Glasher's face while she spoke, felt a sort of terror: it was as if some ghastly vision had come to her in a dream and said, "I am a woman's life." (14.47-48)

Lydia Glasher may seem like the exception to the rule – her lifestyle is off the beaten path, compared with the other women we meet in this book – but she does bring up a point: men in Victorian society had many more options and much more freedom than women did. She's left in ruin largely because women in her position have very few choices. Grandcourt, on the other hand, can pretty much wipe his slate clean and start his life over as he sees fit.