Daniel Deronda Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I cannot say I have any [vocation]."

"Get one, get one. The Jew must be diligent. You will call yourself a Jew and profess the faith of your fathers?" said Kalonymos, putting his hand on Deronda's shoulder and looking sharply in his face.

"I shall call myself a Jew," said Deronda, deliberately, becoming slightly paler under the piercing eyes of his questioner. "But I will not say that I profess to believe exactly as my fathers have believed. Our fathers themselves changed the horizon of their belief and learned of other races. But I think I can maintain my grandfather's notion of separateness with communication. I hold that my first duty is to my own people, and if there is anything to be done towards restoring or perfecting their common life, I shall make that my vocation." (60.22-24)

Joseph Kalonymos (a.k.a., the old guy from the synagogue in Frankfort) wants Daniel to take on the responsibility of professing the Jewish faith as it has traditionally been carried out in the past. Daniel has a more realistic approach: he has only just come to realize that he's Jewish. He will honor his people and his religion, but he can't just switch his beliefs on a dime.