Die Hard Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #4

GRUBER: All of you relax. This is a matter of inconvenient timing—that's all. Police action was inevitable, and, as it happens, necessary. So let them fumble about outside, and stay calm. This is simply the beginning.

Hmm. Here's the first inkling we get that Hans just might be smarter than anyone realizes. Plus, this tells us that Hans's true plan is known only to him, which is pretty smart. It's hard to get double-crossed when you're holding all the cards.

Quote #5

MCCLANE: Geronimo, m***********.

Sorry—was that McClane or MacGyver? You've got to hand it to him for his skills here. How to take out two baddies, dozens of floors below you when you're armed with nothing but C-4? Stick it on a desk chair, strap a computer to the top of it, and hurl it down an elevator shaft. Geronimo, indeed.

Quote #6

GRUBER: I have comrades in arms around the world languishing in prison. The American State Department enjoys rattling its saber for its own ends. Now it can rattle it for me. The following people are to be released from their captors. In Northern Ireland, the seven members of the New Provo Front. In Canada, the five imprisoned leaders of Liberté de Quebec. In Sri Lanka, the nine members of the Asian Dawn.

MCCLANE: What the f***?

We love McClane's reaction here. He can tell this is sheer nonsense—he just doesn't know why. It's not until the final showdown with Hans that he learns this was all about money. Props to Gruber for coming up with this clever—and distracting—cover for his real plan.