Don Quixote Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Book.Chapter.Paragraph) We use the P. A. Motteux translation from 1712 for our quotes. Some familiar character names appear differently in this edition (Sancho Panza is Sancho Panca here, Rocinante is Rozinante, and Doña Rodriguez is Donna Rodriguez). We preserve Motteux's spellings in our quotes but use the more familiar versions of these names in our analysis.

Quote #10

"'Tis Fate's decree that Sancho, thy good squire / On his bare brawny buttocks should bestow / Three thousand lashes, and eke three hundred more." (

Even the pranks in this book are violent. The Duke and Duchess, for example, convince Don Quixote that the only way to lift a curse on his beloved Dulcinea is for Sancho to take 3,300 lashes on his bum. Mind you, if Sancho ever actually agreed to this, there'd be nothing left of his bum by the time he was finished. Ten lashes would be severe, but 3,300 would probably kill the guy.