Religion Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"The Fremen have a simple, practical religion," [Paul] said.
"Nothing about religion is simple," [Jessica] warned.
[…] "Religion unifies our forces. It's our mystique."
"You deliberately cultivated this air, this bravura," she charged. "You never cease indoctrinating." (40.39-42)

Religion complicates itself in this quote. On the one hand, Jessica and Paul openly admit to using religion to indoctrinate others. On the other hand, the true depths of the religion they supposedly "use" seem to escape them. Jeez, religion isn't simple. So, wait, maybe religion is something other than what all these people say it is? Okay, if you'll excuse us, our brains are starting to sizzle.