Best of the Web. Picked by our PhDs

Plenty of helpful worksheets here, where you can get practice filling in missing numbers, rewriting formulas, and simplifying and evaluating algebraic equations. It’s not nearly as painful as the term "drill" implies.

One of the most important equation skills you’ll need to have in your repertoire is the ability to scale them up or down, depending on what's needed in any given situation. This site breaks down how to tell if two equations are equivalent, as well as how to create equivalent equations when necessary. It's like being able to identify identical twins in real life, assuming one of them has been exposed to nuclear radiation and has grown to three times his original size.

It's important to always remember that whatever you do to the left side of an equation, you also need to do to the right side. This video will hammer that point home. Gee whiz— hammers, drills...who knew there was so much overlap between the skills of a mathematician and those of a handyman?

For more on solving inequalities and depicting them on a number line, watch this video from Khan Academy. For added fun, use your arrow and try to keep up with the arrow on the screen. Good luck.
Games and Tools

This super-fun game combines equation-solving skills and basketball three-pointing skills. Okay, so they probably won’t translate to the court. Still, it is nice seeing that ball go "swish," even if it doesn’t earn you any jock points.

Make the genie proud and pass this inequality quiz with flying colors. If you fail, just ask the genie for a time machine, then go back about five minutes and try again.

It’s more about quality than quantity, but how quickly can you speed through inequality problems? Try this game and then see if you can beat your own time! Or, play a friend and engage in some healthy competition. Just don’t let it turn ugly.