Ethan Frome Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Would you like to come in and coast with them some night?" he asked. (2.28)

Ethan and Mattie are planning to come in and do a little sledding with the other couples. Their plan seems to be to spend more and more time together and continue building their relationship, while living with Zeena.

Quote #8

"I guess we'll never let you go, Matt," he whispered, as though even the dead, lovers once, must conspire with him to keep her […]. (2.55)

Ethan seems pretty creepy when he says and thinks things like that. Is he so hopeless that he can't even imagine a life where he and Mattie could be together?

Quote #9

A slight engineering job in Florida, put in his way during his period of study at Worcester, increased his faith in his ability as well as his eagerness to see the world; and he felt sure that, with a "smart" wife like Zeena, it would not be long before he had made himself a place in it. (4.77)

This moment shows that Zeena was part of Ethan's plan, but she removed herself. Later moments reveal that he thinks this a deliberate act on her part to keep him from his dreams. What do you think?