Cunning and Cleverness Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I Googled around and found out that Black wasn't the name of a company that made lockboxes. (3.23)

Most kids would just give up at this point, but not Oskar. He employs some hardcore critical thinking skills to track down the mystery of the key.

Quote #5

I ran home and did some more research, and I found 472 people with the name Black in New York. There were 216 different addresses, because some of the Blacks lived together, obviously. (3.39)

That's some great detective work, kid. If we ever need to find somebody (or just need an Excel spreadsheet done up) we're definitely contacting Oskar Schell.

Quote #6

"So what's on the menu?" "Queens and Greenwich Village." "You mean Gren-ich Village?" (5.5)

This passage shows that, for all his smarts, Oskar doesn't yet have a lot of real-world savvy outside his own immediate experience. You have to wonder if he knows how to pronounce all those French phrases he tosses around, like raison d'être.