Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Reg Keeland/a.k.a. Steven T. Murray's English language translation.

Quote #4

Harald argued not only for sterilization but also for euthanasia, actively putting to death people who offended his aesthetic tastes and didn't fit his image of a perfect race. (9.143)

Harald the Nazi is something of a foil to Salander. Salander wants to kill people who offend her sense of morality and justice. On the other hand, Harald isn't concerned with morality, but with physical differences.

Quote #5

[Salander:] "I'm going to speak plainly. […] This video shows you raping a mentally handicapped twenty-four year old girl for whom you were appointed guardian. And you have no idea how mentally handicapped I can be if push comes to shove." (14.56)

We just love this line. Bet Bjurman wishes he'd been more careful in his judgment of her!

Quote #6

On the other hand, there was no question of Advokat Bjurman going unpunished. Salander never forgot an injustice, and was by nature anything but forgiving. (12.19)

Salander is an avenger. It's part of who she is and what she does. When we learn the crimes against her in the next book, we see how her role as avenger was shaped.