Glengarry Glen Ross Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

MOSS: And it gets me depressed. (1.2.173-174)

Let's not beat around the bush: Moss's dissatisfaction with his situation is not a fly-by-night kind of thing. He is depressed, and he has had it. So much so, that he plots a robbery of the office.

Quote #8

MOSS: Look look look look, when they build your business, then you can't f***ing turn around, enslave them, treat them like children (1.2.190-192)

Woo, boy—now Moss has gone from being dissatisfied with his medieval work situation to being dissatisfied with the fact that his work situation is on par with enslavement. Melodramatic much?

Quote #9

ROMA: It's a waste of time.

Moss isn't the only one who has problems with the way things are run. Roma sees those junk leads going out to the guys who are low on the board, and he knows there's nothing there worth spending any time or effort on.