Goodfellas Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Goodfellas.

Quote #4

KAREN: We were all so very close. I mean, there were never any outsiders around. Absolutely never. And being together all the time made everything seem all the more normal.

This idea of outsiders vs. insiders that Karen mentions is instrumental to the mob's success—and its failures. When you're knee-deep in as many illegal activities as Henry's crew is, outsiders aren't to be trusted. Just look at Stacks.

Quote #5

KAREN: We always did everything together, and we always were in the same crowd. Anniversaries, christenings. We only went to each other's houses. The women played cards, and when the kids were born, Mickey and Jimmy were always the first at the hospital. And when we went to the islands or Vegas for vacation, we always went together. No outsiders, ever. It got to be normal. It got to where I was even proud that I had the kind of husband who was willing to go out and risk his neck just to get us the little extras.

Making everything a family—and only the family—affair makes it easy for Karen to find having a mobster for a husband totes normal.

Quote #6

JIMMY: She'll never divorce him. She'll kill him, but she won't divorce him.

Henry's real family may not kill guys and bury them in the woods, but, in her own way, Karen is just as volatile as Henry's mafia cohorts. More importantly, she's even more loyal.