The Grapes of Wrath Reverend Casy Quotes

Reverend Casy

Quote 10

[Casy:] "Maybe I can preach again. Folks out lonely on the road, folks with no lan', no home to go to. They got to have some kind of home." (6.108)

Casy genuinely wants to help people. His intentions are good, and his heart is big. Does the fact that he slept with women when he was a preacher make him lose his credibility as a spiritual leader?

Reverend Casy

Quote 11

[Casy:] "All that's holy, all that's what I didn' understan'. All them things is the good things." (10.39)

The details of everyday life are holy to Casy – not people's dreams, aspirations, or goals, but the nitty-gritty details of living.