Hard Times Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'No, ma'am, no. They're true to one another, faithfo' to one another, fectionate to one another, e'en to death. Be poor amoong 'em, be sick amoong 'em, grieve amoong 'em for onny o' th' monny causes that carries grieve to the poor man's door, and they'll be tender wi' yo, gentle wi' yo, comfortable wi' yo, Chrisen wi' yo. Be sure o' that, ma'am. They'd be riven to bits, ere ever they'd be different.' (2.5.26)

Dickens is at pains to prove throughout the whole novel that the working classes are made up of individuals whose private emotional lives are just as epic and grand as anything experienced by their masters and bosses.

Quote #5

Herein, too, the sense of even thinking unselfishly aided [Stephen]. Before he had so much as closed Mr. Bounderby's door, he had reflected that at least his being obliged to go away was good for her, as it would save her from the chance of being brought into question for not withdrawing from him. Though it would cost him a hard pang to leave her, and though he could think of no similar place in which his condemnation would not pursue him, perhaps it was almost a relief to be forced away from the endurance of the last four days, even to unknown difficulties and distresses. (2.6.17)

Stephen draws on Rachael's own complete selflessness as inspiration for the way he conducts his life. It may also be less painful to think about her and the way she may be treated by the workers than to remember his own outcast status.

Quote #6

Mr. James Harthouse began to think it would be a new sensation, if the face which changed so beautifully for the whelp, would change for him. He was quick enough to observe; he had a good memory, and did not forget a word of the brother's revelations. He interwove them with everything he saw of the sister, and he began to understand her. To be sure, the better and profounder part of her character was not within his scope of perception; for in natures, as in seas, depth answers unto depth; but he soon began to read the rest with a student's eye. (2.7.6-7)

Harthouse's love can only be as deep as he himself is as a man. Here, the narrator tells us that he's pretty shallow, though a very good reader of the outside (in this case, of Louisa's face).