Hard Times Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Did he see any faint reflection of his own image making a vainglorious will, whereby five-and-twenty Humbugs, past five-and- fifty years of age, each taking upon himself the name, Josiah Bounderby of Coketown, should for ever dine in Bounderby Hall, for ever lodge in Bounderby Buildings, for ever attend a Bounderby chapel, for ever go to sleep under a Bounderby chaplain, for ever be supported out of a Bounderby estate, and for ever nauseate all healthy stomachs, with a vast amount of Bounderby balderdash and bluster? (3.9.27)

Bounderby is allowed to "reproduce" via his wealth. His will sets up a retirement community for men, each of whom must be renamed Josiah Bounderby to live there. Seems fitting that his "children" are 55-year-old men.