Henry V Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

The confident and over-lusty French
Do the low-rated English play at dice
And chide the cripple tardy-gaited night,
Who like a foul and ugly witch doth limp
So tediously away. The poor condemnèd English,
Like sacrifices, by their watchful fires
Sit patiently and inly ruminate (4.Prologue.19-25)

The Chorus is instrumental in Shakespeare's quest to portray Henry's troops as the underdogs at Agincourt. Here, we learn that the "poor condemned English" are sitting around their campfires, preparing to die in the following day's battle, while the French (who outnumber their enemies) kick back and relax.

Quote #8

I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty
a heart. But the saying is true: 'The empty vessel
makes the greatest sound.' Bardolph and Nym had
ten times more valor than this roaring devil i’ th’ old
play, that everyone may pare his nails with a wooden
dagger, and they are both hanged, and so would
this be if he durst steal anything adventurously. I
must stay with the lackeys with the luggage of our
camp. The French might have a good prey of us if he
knew of it, for there is none to guard it but boys.(4.4.67-76)

When the unnamed Boy (Falstaff's page) criticizes Bardolph and Nim, he compares them to the "roaring devil i' / the old play," which is a shout-out to the "Vice" figure, a stock figure in Medieval Morality plays. Apparently, Falstaff's Boy is a huge theater buff.

Quote #9

Vouchsafe to those that have not read the story
That I may prompt them; and of such as have,
I humbly pray them to admit th' excuse
Of time, of numbers, and due course of things,
Which cannot in their huge and proper life
Be here presented. (5.Prologue.1-6)

Yeesh. Enough already with the apologies.