Henry VI Part 1 Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Since you are tongue-tied and so loath to speak,
In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts:
Let him that is a true-born gentleman
And stands upon the honor of his birth,
If he suppose that I have pleaded truth,
From off this briar pluck a white rose with me. (2.4.25-30)

Richard is a talented communicator, and he finds a way of convincing the people present to show their support for him that is richly symbolic even though it doesn't require words. And incidentally, he manages to get words of support out of them, too.

Quote #5

Hath not thy rose a canker, Somerset?
Hath not thy rose a thorn, Plantagenet? (2.4.69-70)

Pretty snappy, right? Richard's good with words when he wants to be. And Somerset's not bad here, either. They sound a bit like Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson, bickering away. Too bad they don't have a friendship like Holmes and Watson to match…

Quote #6

Uncles of Gloucester and of Winchester,
The special watchmen of our English weal,
I would prevail, if prayers might prevail,
To join your hearts in love and amity.
O what a scandal is it to our crown
That two such noble peers as ye should jar! (3.1.69-74)

Henry V was a great speechmaker, and his young son looks promising, too. He addresses both the quarreling nobles as "uncle," reminding them of their ties to him, and he slips in a smooth compliment on how they're special protectors of England's good. Then he asks them very graciously if he can convince them to get along. Nice to know he may be inheriting some of Henry V's talents. If only that extended to dominating the battlefield, the English nobles would be a lot happier.