Henry VI Part 1 Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Am I not Protector, saucy priest?
And am not I a prelate of the Church?
Yes, as an outlaw in a castle keeps,
And useth it to patronage his theft. (3.1.47-50)

The church may have been spiritually and politically powerful, but that doesn't keep Gloucester from arguing with Winchester. The whole way through the play, the two men are tussling over who has the most power, Gloucester as the Protector guiding England till the King is of age, or Winchester as a high official in the Church. Gloucester doesn't attack the Church itself, but he frequently accuses Winchester of being a bad representative of the Church.

Quote #8

Foul fiend of France and hag of all despite,
Encompassed with thy lustful paramours,
Becomes it thee to taunt his valiant age
And twit with cowardice a man half dead? (3.2.52-55)

Talbot thinks Joan is not just a witch but sexually loose as well. This matters partly because she claims to be blessed by the Virgin Mary. It's unlikely that the Virgin mother of Christ is going to help someone who's sleeping around, so if Talbot is right about Joan's loose morals he's probably right about her getting her power from demons, too. Of course, he doesn't offer any proof here.

Quote #9

I shall be well content with any choice
Tends to God's glory and my country's weal. (5.1.26-27)

Henry seems pretty sincere about this. He wants to please God and take good care of his country, both things considered duties of a king at the time. But doesn't it seem a little odd that this is his big comment on getting married? Marriage for a king in the time wasn't just a personal decision; it had major political implications, so it seems like he should feel a bit more strongly about whether it's the right girl politically or not.