Henry VI Part 3 Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

The army of the queen hath got the field.
My uncles both are slain in rescuing me;
And all my followers to the eager foe
Turn back and fly like ships before the wind,
Or lambs pursued by hunger-starvèd wolves. (1.4.1-5)

Poor York. He knows he will lose this battle to Margaret and her army. He also knows that his uncles died to save him, and his sons are still out there fighting. The animalistic imagery he uses here (for example, wolves) points out how barbaric the war has become. The men are a bunch of animals now, ripping each other apart.

Quote #5

O piteous spectacle! O bloody times!
Whiles lions war and battle for their dens,
Poor harmless lambs abide their enmity.
Weep, wretched man. I'll aid thee tear for tear... (1.5.73-76)

Looking at father and son killing each other, Henry gets depressed. He realizes that this is what the war has done to his country (not to mention to his family). It seems like no one besides Henry realizes that this is what's going on. Henry realizes that war isn't a game or a popularity contest; it's thousands of people killing each other.

Quote #6

Yet know thou, since we have begun to strike,
We'll never leave till we have hewn thee down,
Or bathed thy growing with our heated bloods. (2.2.171-173)

George threatens Margaret with war after she, with Clifford's help, has killed York and Rutland. It looks like war brings on more war; it's a never-ending cycle because, as George points out, everyone is hot-blooded (angry) over what the other side has done. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind?