Henry VIII Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

So may he rest. His faults lie gently on him!
Yet thus far, Griffith, give me leave to speak him,
And yet with charity. He was a man
Of an unbounded stomach, ever ranking
Himself with princes; one that by suggestion
Tied all the kingdom. (4.2.35-40)

When Katherine hears of Wolsey's death, she wants to speak well of him but somehow cannot. Can you blame her? The guy orchestrated her divorce. It turns out not everything can be forgiven easily.

Quote #8

God turn their hearts! I never sought their malice—
To quench mine honor. They would shame to make me
Wait else at door, a fellow councillor,
'Mong boys, grooms, and lackeys. But their pleasures
Must be fulfilled, and I attend with patience. (5.2.20-24)

Cranmer isn't after the judgment of men. Instead, he looks to a higher power. He introduces the idea of religious forgiveness when men will not offer it, and his search for absolution reminds us that not everyone is after something from the nobles and the court. Perhaps he can sleep soundly knowing he's got an in with the man upstairs.

Quote #9

Once more, my Lord of Winchester, I charge you,
Embrace and love this man. (5.3.245-246)

At the council meeting, Henry forces the members to forgive Cranmer because he's a good guy. Some of them accept this right away, while Gardiner has a tough time swallowing this pill. It's great that Henry wants everyone to kiss and make up, but we wonder whether forced forgiveness is really going to last.