The Children's Era Summary

Brief Summary

The Set-Up

On March 30th, 1925, Margaret Sanger spoke at a public meeting at the Scottish Rite Hall. This meeting was part of the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference held in New York City.

The Text

We have failed the kiddos, says Margaret Sanger.

The 20th century was supposed to be a great time for kids. We were going to fix things. But have we done that? Nope. Instead of making sure children could be born into loving homes where they are wanted and provided for, we've just set up charities to try to deal with them once they're born to overworked, underpaid parents who didn't want them in the first place.

We have to do better, says Margaret Sanger. We have to ensure that women can choose when to become mothers so that every child can be born into a home where he or she is wanted and cared for.

Oh, and we've got to find a way to stop all these poor people with defective genes from having kids before it messes our country up. (Her words guys, not ours.)


Women should be able to choose if and when they have children. And Margaret Sanger has some strong opinions about what that choice should be, depending on your circumstances.