Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine: Questions

    Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine: Questions

      1. If the people of Arkansas didn't want to integrate, why did the federal government force them to do so?
      2. What would have happened in Little Rock if the president hadn't intervened?
      3. Was Faubus's argument really about states' rights or was he just a racist trying to justify his views?
      4. How do you think the Little Rock Nine felt about everything that was going on?
      5. Why can states decide some things (like gun laws or right-to-die laws) for themselves and not other things? When do things become a federal matter?
      6. In addition to protecting the students from the mob, what else was the point of Ike sending in the troops?
      7. Can the states' rights argument be used to justify plain old discrimination?
      8. How might the Little Rock crisis have affected other standoffs over integration that came after it?
      9. What do you think happened between 1896 and 1954 that made the Supreme Court overturn the earlier Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson?