The House of Dies Drear Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Thomas felt a little tired. The excitement of the new church, the new minister, was wearing off. Somehow it was becoming confused with past Sundays in church. Irresistibly, his eyes were starting to close. (10.79)

Thomas's carries his spirit of adventure with him everywhere, and he was excited about exploring the new church. But even adventurers get weary.

Quote #5

I wish history would just die, thought Thomas. Why must Papa have it clutter up everything? (11.13)

More weariness. Thomas feels much better after lunch, but at this moment he's tired of exploring history. This is similar to some of Mayhew's statements about history. At this moment, he wants something fresh and new and is tired of the way history can make themes seem really confusing.

Quote #6

"Will you need our help?" called Thomas.

"Yes," Mayhew called back. "We're about to become a company of actors." (15.96)

Thomas just can't resist the opportunity for adventure. Playing the ghost of a man murdered for fleeing from slavery is a bit more than Thomas bargains for, but he's all about trying new things. That's why he learns so much so fast.