The House of Dies Drear Slavery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I think you children just better get off my father's land," […] "Part of the Underground Railroad must be under these steps. I've got work to do." […]

"There's no tracks down there," said Pesty. (4.32, 33)

Like Pesty, most of us think of trains and train tracks the first time we hear about the Underground Railroad, the system of people and places involved in helping people escape from slavery. In "Setting" we talk about some origins of the name.

Quote #5

"I can yield to its separateness when I realize that without it segregated there would be no story of the Underground Railroad. There could be no sure refuge for the exhausted, runaway slave." (10.3).

During time of slavery, black churches were completely separate from white churches. This gave black people freedom to organize and to hide running slaves. Ohio, where the story is set has a rich history of African churches. It's in Mr. Small's nature to want to preserve the tradition.

Quote #6

We are Tuscaroras. He is my chief and I am his brave son. (13.2)

Wait a minute, that isn't about slavery… Actually, it is. The Tuscarora, a North Carolina Native American tribe, also have a history of slavery. Thomas identifies with the Tuscarora and imagines himself as Tuscarora when he feels like he's in danger. Here he's on edge because he and his father are on his way to confront Mr. Pluto after the kitchen incident.