The Hunger Games Chapter 26 Quotes

The Hunger Games Chapter 26 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 4

When I manage to pull my eyes away from the flickering fabric, I'm in for something of a shock. My hair's loose, held back by a simple hairband. The makeup rounds and fills out the sharp angels of my face. A clear polish coats my nails. The sleeveless dress is gathered at my ribs, not my waist, largely eliminating any help the padding would have given m figure. The hem falls just to my knees. Without heels, you can see my true stature. I look, very simply, like a girl. A young one. Fourteen at the most. Innocent. Harmless. Yes, it is shocking that Cinna has pulled this off when you remember I've just won the Games. (26.44)

Cinna has purposely dressed Katniss as a simple young girl for her final televised interview. Why might he need to make her look innocent in front of the cameras?

Quote 5

So I still have a chance, though. Funny, in the arena, when I poured out those berries, I was only thinking of outsmarting the Gamemakers, not how my actions would reflect on the Capitol. But the Hunger Games are their weapon and you are not supposed to be able to defeat it. So now the Capitol will act as if they've been in control the whole time. As if they orchestrated the whole event, right down to the double suicide. But that will only work if I play along with them. (26.65)

The Hunger Games are all about the power of the Capitol, so they've got to appear to be in control. How does Katniss and Peeta's double suicide stunt undermine their authority?

Quote 6

And right now, the most dangerous part of the Hunger Games is about to begin. (26.69)

Wait. What? The Games are beginning again? We thought Katniss won? What does Katniss mean?