The Hunger Games Chapter 4 Quotes

The Hunger Games Chapter 4 Quotes

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Quote 4

I put the green outfit back on since it's not really dirty, just slightly crumpled from spending the night on the floor. My fingers trace the circle around the little gold mockingjay and I think of the woods, and of my father, and of my mother and Prim waking up, having to get on with things. I slept in the elaborate braided hair my mother did for that reaping and it doesn't look too bad, so I just leave it up. It doesn't matter. We can't be far from the Capitol now. And once we reach the city, my stylist will dictate my look for the opening ceremonies tonight anyway. I just hope I get one who doesn't think nudity is the last word in fashion. (4.32)

Katniss enters the Games with symbols of her district: her braided hair and the mockingjay pin. How will her looks be changed by the stylists in the Capitol?