Politics Quotes in The Hunger Games

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Whose idea was the hand holding?" asks Haymitch.

"Cinna's," says Portia.

"Just the perfect touch of rebellion," says Haymitch. (6.32-34)

The tributes' gesture is read as a symbol of protest. Is it also about getting the attention from the audience?

Quote #5

All I can think is how unjust the whole thing is, the Hunger Games. Why am I hopping around like some trained dog trying to please people I hate? The longer the interview goes on, the more my fury seems to rise to the surface, until I'm literally spitting out answers at him. (9.22)

Katniss has to hide what she knows: that the Hunger Games are unjust and terrible. Unable to speak her mind, she seethes with anger.

Quote #6

After the war, the Capitol destroyed all the nests surrounding the city, but the ones near the districts were left untouched. Another reminder of our weakness, I suppose, just like the Hunger Games. Another reason to keep inside the fence of District 12. (14.3)

We learn that the mutant tracker jackers were a form of governmental control. They were placed around the districts to keep people from leaving their regions.