The Jew of Malta Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Know, Governor, 'twas I that slew thy son;
I framed the challenge that did make them meet.
Know, Calymath, I aimed thy overthrow,
And, had I but escaped this stratagem,
I would have brought confusion on you all… (5.5.81-85)

In classic villain form, Barabas spends half of his death speech making sure that Ferneze and Calymath know about his plots. For a guy who's spent the majority of this play lying (and definitely to these two), why is it so important to him to confess?Actually, would you even term this a "confession'?Would you take your last moments to tell everyone "Guess how evil I am?On second thought, never mind.Let metell you how evil I am.REAL EVIL, folks"?