Looking for Alaska Miles Halter Quotes

"Your rote memorization is, like, so impressive," I said.

"You guys are like an old married couple." Alaska smiled. "In a creepy way." (8before.10-11)

In what ways does dialogue reveal the friendship of Miles and the Colonel through the novel, even when they're taking digs at one another?

Miles Halter

Quote 5

The five of us walking confidently in a row, I'd never felt cooler. The Great Perhaps was upon us, and we were invincible. The plan may have had faults, but we did not. (3before.27)

Miles thinks he's found his Great Perhaps in his friends and the shared experiences that involve fireworks, mischief, and mayhem. Is he right?

Miles Halter

Quote 6

Her funeral Sunday. I wondered if the Colonel would get back by then, where he was. He had to come back for the funeral, because I could not go alone, and going with anyone other than the Colonel would amount to alone. (2after.53)

Even though he would be with the entire student body at Culver Creek, Miles thinks he would be "alone." What does this say about his friendships with Takumi and Lara?