Love's Labour's Lost Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Now by my maiden honor, yet as pure
As the unsullied lily… (5.2.384-385)

The Princess shames the King by bringing up her own virtue.

Quote #8

So much I hate a breaking cause to be
Of heavenly oaths vowed with integrity. (5.2.388-389)

How much of this is the Princess messing with the King? She's a pretty serious lady – maybe on some level, she means it. She's not sure she can trust this guy.

Quote #9

Peace, peace, forbear!
Your oath once broke, you force not to forswear. (5.2.481-482)

The Princess has the King in a trap. She's about to reveal that he wooed Rosaline – forcing him to "forswear" or betray himself again.