Mockingjay Chapter 2 Quotes

Mockingjay Chapter 2 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"You're alive," I whisper, pressing my palms against my cheeks, feeling the smile that's so wide it must look like a grimace. Peeta's alive. And a traitor. But at the moment, I don't care. Not what he says, or who he says it for, only that he is still capable of speech. (2.65)

This seems like proof that Katniss loves Peeta, even if she can't admit it to even herself. The mere knowledge that Peeta's alive is all Katniss wants to know. It makes her grin like an idiot and she doesn't even care about the details, like about why he is alive. All that matters is that he is.

This is one of the few good things about 13. Getting Gale back. With the pressure of the Capitol's arranged marriage between Peeta and me gone, we've managed to regain our friendship. He doesn't push it any further—try to kiss me or talk about love. Either I've been too sick, or he's willing to give me space, or he knows it's just too cruel with Peeta in the hands of the Capitol. Whatever the case, I've got someone to tell my secrets to again. (2.77)

Friends or lovers? That's the question Katniss returns to again and again when thinking about both Peeta and Gale. Here, it seems like if circumstances had been different, Gale might have been the frontrunner for Katniss's heart. Yet, because of everything they've all gone through and Katniss's complicated relationship with Peeta, Gale doesn't even make a romantic move – although Katniss seems to think he'd like to.

Caesar leans in to him a little. "I think it was clear to all of us what your plan was. To sacrifice yourself in the arena so that Katniss Everdeen and your child could survive."

"That was it. Clear and simple." (2.23-24)

Here, Peeta continues to send a message that he's an innocent figure who would "sacrifice" himself to save Katniss's life. And, whatever else might be true or disguised in his speech with Caesar – whatever else might be propaganda that he has to say – it's pretty obvious that he would sacrifice himself for Katniss, just as she would do the same for him.