Much Ado About Nothing Claudio Quotes


Quote 16

How sweetly you do minister to love,
That know love's grief by his complexion!
But lest my liking might too sudden seem,
I would have salved it with a longer treatise. (1.1.307-310)

Even Claudio recognizes that seeming to fall in love quickly is a mark of immaturity.


Quote 17

We had like to have had our two noses
snapped off with two old men without teeth. (5.1.128-129)

To Leonato’s face, Claudio makes a big show of respecting his age, but it’s clear from this comment that Claudio is not exactly Mr. Reverence. Age doesn’t seem to command respect for Claudio; he approaches it more as a weakness than a reason for reverence, which is pretty immature of him. It’s another strike against Claudio’s character.