On the Road Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I was beginning to despair. What I needed - what Terry needed, too - was a drink, so we bought a quart of California port for thirty-five cents and went to the railroad yards to drink. We found a place where hobos had drawn up crates to sit over fires. We sat there and drank the wine. (I.13.11)

Although Sal drinks when times are good, he also uses alcohol as a crutch when times are bad.

Quote #11

Rickey had a bottle. "Today we drink, tomorrow we work. Dah you go, man - take a shot!" Terry sat in back with her baby; I looked back at her and saw the flush of homecoming joy on her face. The beautiful green countryside of October in California reeled by madly. I was guts and juice again and ready to go. "Where do we go now, man?" (I.13.16)

Sal allows many people, not just Dean, to sway him into drinking.

Quote #12

"What we need is a drink!" yelled Rickey, and off we went to a crossroads saloon. Americans are always drinking in crossroads saloons on Sunday afternoon; they bring their kids; they gabble and brawl over brews; everything’s fine. Come nightfall the kids start crying and the parents are drunk. They go weaving back to the house. Everywhere in America I’ve been in crossroads saloons drinking with dull; whole families. The kids eat popcorn and chips and play in back. This we did. (I.13.19)

Sal characterizes America in many ways, and alcohol is one lens through which he views the country.