On the Road Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Tomorrow, Sal, I know where I can find you a job," said Dean, reverting to businesslike tones. "So I’ll call on you, soon as I have an hour off from Marylou, and cut right into that apartment of yours, say hello to Major, and take you on a trolley (damn, I’ve no car) to the Camargo markets, where you can begin working at once and collect a paycheck come Friday. We’re really all of us bottomry broke. I haven’t had time to work in weeks. Friday night beyond all doubt the three of us - the old threesome of Carlo, Dean, and Sal - must go to the midget auto races, and for that I can get us a ride from a guy downtown I know. . . ." And on and on into the night. (I.7.27)

Dean’s claim that he hasn’t "had time to work in weeks" is an interesting one. Money seems to be a low priority on Dean’s list.

Quote #8

"What?" we all shouted. There was confusion. Rawlins was rolling in the grass with one of the waitresses. Major wouldn’t let us in. We swore to call Tim Gray and confirm the party and also invite him. Instead we all rushed back to the Denver downtown hangouts. I suddenly found myself alone in the street with no money. My last dollar was gone. (I.7.30)

Sal repeatedly finds himself broke and homeless, yet makes no attempts to change his ways.

Quote #9

As for me, I was scheduled to be a guest at the opera that afternoon, escorting Babe on my arm. I wore a suit of Tim’s. Only a few days ago I’d come into Denver like a bum; now I was all racked up sharp in a suit, with a beautiful well-dressed blonde on my arm, bowing to dignitaries and chatting in the lobby under chandeliers. I wondered what Mississippi Gene would say if he could see me. (I.9.5)

Sal is tempted by the money and stature of the "other" gang in Denver, the faction that opposes Carlo and Dean. He decides, however, to join the "sordid hipsters" rather than the moneyed elite.