Pamela Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She gave me a Slap on the Hand, and reached to box my Ear; but Mrs. Jewkes hearkening without, and her Woman too, they both came in at that Instant; and Mrs. Jewkes said, pushing herself in between us, Your Ladyship knows not what you do. Indeed you don't. My Master would never forgive me, if I suffer'd, in his House, one he so dearly loves, to be so used; and it must not be, tho' you are Lady Davers. (92.93)

Oh ho ho, how the tables have turned! Now Mrs. Jewkes is defending Pamela from a physical assault—but notice that even marriage hasn't totally removed the threat of assault. Sounds like it was pretty dangerous to be a young, beautiful woman in the eighteenth century.