Dissatisfaction Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Not wanting to be found by some kids in Jefferson Park isn't the same thing as not wanting to die. (2.8.28)

Quentin worries that Margo isn't just dissatisfied with her life, or, as Ben suggests, craving attention, but that she's suicidal and depressed.

Quote #8

This is the value of our souvenirs, I think: you can't give this s*** away. (2.9.31)

The mini-mall where Margo Roth Spiegelman squats (Margo Roth Spiegelsquats) is a sad place, filled with souvenirs. Sometimes people are really happy to get a souvenir, but as the trip becomes more of a distant memory, the souvenir gathers dust and eventually gets tossed out.

Quote #9

I found myself able to imagine Margo here, leaning against the wall with the musty rolled-up carpet for a seat, eating a nutrition bar. She is all alone, with only this to eat. (2.12.23)

Quentin imagines this amazing life that Margo has created for herself, so he's disappointed (and a bit alarmed) to learn that she's merely been squatting in a rat hole.