Traditions and Customs Quotes in The Lightning Thief

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

As I got closer, I saw that everyone was taking a portion of their meal and dropping it into the fire, the ripest strawberry, the juiciest slice of beef, the warmest, most buttery roll.

Luke murmured in my ear, "Burnt offerings for the gods. They like the smell." (7.127-128)

We don't know about you, but there are certain rituals of the Greek gods that really do seem wonderful. Like this one. The gods and those in the immortal world seem to revere the senses. Think of all the times smell is important (smelling monsters), taste is important (eating Aunty Em's burgers), touch is important (holding a balanced sword like Riptide or making things in the water dry), sound is important (listening for hissing snakes or for whispered chanting), and seeing/observing is important (everything that an attention deficit disorder helps you notice).