Pericles, Prince of Tyre Deception Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Enter PERICLES, at one door, with all his TRAIN; CLEON and DIONYZA, at the other. CLEON shows PERICLES the tomb; whereat PERICLES makes lamentation, puts on sackcloth, and in a mighty passion departs. Then exeunt CLEON and DIONYZA. (4.4.Dumb Show)

When Pericles sees the monument Dionyza has erected for Marina, he just accepts it as evidence that his daughter is dead. Yep: this is another huge mistake for our hero, who doesn't realize that Cleon and Dionyza are lying to him about his daughter. By the way, if you want to argue that this is evidence that Pericles is still a lousy judge of character, go right ahead. Nobody here is gonna stop you.