The Perks of Being a Wallflower Part 2, Chapter 13 Quotes

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Part 2, Chapter 13 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:


Quote 1

My aunt Helen drank a lot. My aunt Helen took drugs a lot. My aunt Helen had many problems with men and boys. (2.13.9)

Aunt Helen turned to drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity to deal with problems that haunted her for years. We'll let you figure out how that turned out.


Quote 2

My aunt Helen was molested. I hate that word. (2.13.8)

Charlie gets exposed to pretty much all the negative sides of sex. Aunt Helen's molestation in particular leads to a very traumatic situation for Charlie.


Quote 3

Aunt Helen was the only one who hugged me. (2.13.15)

Charlie's family doesn't exactly show their love physically, aside from Aunt Helen. When we find out that Aunt Helen molested Charlie, our understanding of his attitude toward physical affection becomes even more complicated.