Prince Caspian Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Reepicheep is the "size doesn't determine courage" character. He's a mouse, and he has more chivalry and courage in his whiskers than this guy has in his whole moustache.

Quote #5

"To put it in another way, I think they'd been imagining you as great warriors. As it is—we're awfully fond of children and all that, but just at the moment, in the middle of a war—but I'm sure you understand." (8.18)

On the one hand, the obvious point here is that courage doesn't have to do with being a child or not. Children can be courageous. On the other hand, Trumpkin kind of has a point about children not being in war. But that's a discussion for another theme (care to guess which?).

Quote #6

"The D.L.F. beat you in that shooting match, Su," said Peter, with a slightly forced smile. Even he had been shaken by this adventure. (9.26)

Courage allows the characters to overcome their fear, but one doesn't replace the other. Being attacked by a full-on bear is still a knee-trembling experience—unless you're in a tank or something.