Prince Caspian Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"[Aslan] was not always a good friend to Dwarfs by all that's told. Not even to all beasts. Ask the Wolves." (12.38)

Nikabrik's remembrance of the past is a dark mirror compared to the others'. He recalls the White Witch's reign as the idyllic one. Hey, we like winter just fine, but one hundred years? Yeesh.

Quote #8

The sort of "History" that was taught in Narnia under Miraz's rule was duller than the truest history you ever read and less true than the most exciting adventure story. (14.54)

Here, we return to the idea that there are many variants on the past. All of these variants have some flaw in them that make them inferior to the true past. How do you tell the difference? You need to ask the lion.

Quote #9

They were told that Caspian was now King and that Narnia would henceforth belong to the Talking Beasts and the Dwarfs and Dryads and Fauns and other creatures quite as much as to the men. Any who chose to stay under the new conditions might do so; […]. (15.26)

The idyllic past returns to Narnia, but as we saw earlier, it's not the exact same as before. The Telmarines are now Narnians in their own respect, and they can choose to be a part of this new ideal era.