The Prince Lies and Deceit; Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Albinus was taken in, but as soon as Severus had defeated and killed Niger and got control of the eastern empire, he went back to Rome and complained in the Senate that Albinus, far from being grateful for everything Severus had given him, had set a trap to kill him; as a result, he, Severus, would have to go and punish his ingratitude. In fact he went to France, stripped Albinus of his power and had him killed. (19.15)

Yawn.Where have we seen this before? Didn't Agathocles and Cesare Borgia just do the same thing—deceit and trickery—a few pages ago?

Quote #11

Hence many people reckon that when the opportunity presents itself a smart ruler will shrewdly provoke hostility so that he can then increase his reputation by crushing it. (20.6)

Like leveling up in video games, you have to fight mini wars before you have enough mana to face the final boss.