Family Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4


There is nothing that will ever stand in the way of Inigo's revenge because nothing can ever bring back his father. That's too bad for Count Rugen, because this dude definitely has all kinds of riches and power he could offer Inigo. Oh well, time to die then.

Quote #5

"Two hundred fifty maybe. All for my Jason to have the Morgenstern." (I.206)

William Goldman is willing to spend any amount of money to make sure that his son Jason gets a copy of The Princess Bride for his tenth birthday. Goldman is so obsessed that he even pays his lawyer a ridiculous hourly wage just to get him to go to a bookstore and pick up a copy while he (Goldman) is across the country for a meeting.

Quote #6

"Do I have to love it too?" He was his mother's son all right. (I.221)

William Goldman can see a lot of similarities between his son and his wife. The funny thing is that neither of these people are actually real. In real life, Goldman had two daughters and no son, plus he never married a psychiatrist named Helen.